Remote working: Managing Performance
Before COVID-19 home working was relatively scarce, with many of us commuting to the office on a daily basis. These days however, many more employees enjoy the flexibility and reduced travel costs that working from home can bring. This article is accompanied by our webinar recording, which you can watch On Demand. Challenges of home […]
Remote workforce wants hybrid working, not an end to the office
As lockdown ends or at least eases for many UK firms, research has found that businesses will have to start focusing their attention beyond simply surviving, as employees want a mix of remote and office-based working post-COVID-19. The Coronavirus forced UK companies to quickly adapt to remote working. But now as employers are faced with […]
Hybrid working: the future of the workplace
COVID-19 has shown businesses that how people do their jobs is more important than where they do them. This has led to many employers letting staff decide to either work from home, the office or a mixture of both. This combination of working from home and being office-based, known as hybrid working, is set to become the new norm for many […]
How do I manage the pay and leave when an employee returns to the UK and has to quarantine?
The UK’s Coronavirus regulations require UK residents and visitors to the UK to quarantine on arriving to the UK by self-isolating for 14 calendar days, unless travelling from certain countries or territories. The regulations also have specific self-isolation rules and penalties relevant to England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. So, it is important to remember […]
Top Tips for Managing Remote Workers
Working from home has previously been viewed as an option or a privilege for some, however coronavirus it has made it compulsory for many. With the right practices, procedures and rules employees can remain engaged and productive whether in isolation or carrying out social distancing. Here is a list of tips for managing remote workers: […]