Outsource support with Right to Work and pre-employment DBS checks

Currently, employers may check the right to work online using the job applicants ‘share code’ or by checking the applicant’s original documentation. They may also use the Home Office’s Employer Checking Service to check an employee’s or job applicant’s immigration status. Positive feedback about the ability to make right to work checks remotely during the […]
The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Updated Regulations for 2022

COVID-19 mandatory vaccination regulations have now been introduced into the wider health and social care sector. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) (No. 2) Regulations 2022 were made on the 6 January 2022 and came into force on 7 January 2022. There is currently a grace period in place, giving […]
January 2022: The latest on COVID-19

We start 2022 with a continued focus on COVID-19 and the challenges it continues to bring. We are seeing large numbers of new infections with the dominant variant in the UK now being Omicron; the variant which doubles in case numbers around every two to three days. In the week up to 31 December in […]
SSP and Covid – Reimbursement Scheme Reintroduced

The Chancellor announced last night that he is reintroducing the SSP reimbursement scheme for SMEs who have employees off sick with Covid. The full details of the scheme are yet to be announced, however the government updated has updated its guidance on gov.uk with the message: “This scheme will be reintroduced from mid-January 2022. Further guidance […]
Employers, HR and the new COVID variant and rules – what you need to know

Further to the discovery of the new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, the government has introduced precautionary measures to slow the spread in the UK until more can be understood about the potential impact. Although there is much still to be learned about the variant, it is understood that it spreads ‘very rapidly’ and can be spread […]
MPs call on Government to protect employment rights

A group of MPs, made up of pro-remain supporters, are calling on Theresa May and the Government to provide commitments to workers and employers, that employment rights provided under the EU, would be still be protected following Brexit. There is serious concern that some of these rights would end after the UK leaves the EU, unless […]
Government pledges millions in fight against modern slavery

Government pledges millions in fight against modern slavery, just as dozens of illegal workers are removed from burger restaurant Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged £33m in the battle against modern slavery in the UK. The money will be focused on dealing with the routes of people-trafficking. She has also announced that she will be […]