5-point plan for preparing for rising COVID levels
It has been five months since the Government announced the end of all COVID-19 restrictions. The message at that point was that the responsibility for how to live with the virus would be placed on individuals and businesses moving forward, rather than the government enforcing COVID interventions. According to data this week from the ZOE […]
Will companies be able to ask staff to self-isolate if they have COVID-19
On the 21 February 2022, two years on from the start of the pandemic, the government announced its plan for England, for how we are to live with COVID-19 going forward (the devolved governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland set their own COVID-19 plans). It now means that the responsibility for how to live […]
The Health and Social Care Act Coronavirus Amendment will be revoked
In February we brought you the news that Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, believed it was no longer proportionate to require vaccination as a condition of deployment, when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccination. Since then the legislation has been further amended after the decision was taken to allow […]
COVID – 19 – managing the workplace safely
The government’s COVID-19 announcement yesterday (21 February 2022) confirmed the end of all COVID-19 restrictions which will gradually take effect between now and 1 April. It will mean that moving forward the responsibility for how to live with the virus will be placed on individuals rather than the government and their interventions that we have […]
January 2022: The latest on COVID-19
We start 2022 with a continued focus on COVID-19 and the challenges it continues to bring. We are seeing large numbers of new infections with the dominant variant in the UK now being Omicron; the variant which doubles in case numbers around every two to three days. In the week up to 31 December in […]