Talent Management in a Global Landscape
Extracted from our Strategic HR Thinking Whitepaper
In today’s interconnected world, managing talent extends beyond geographical borders. The year 2024 offers businesses two major opportunities: the ability to access talent globally and the shift towards hiring based on skills instead of just academic degrees.

The ‘Anywhere Workforce’
The remote work revolution has laid the groundwork for the ‘Anywhere Workforce’, a concept that acknowledges the viability and advantages of a geographically dispersed team. This white paper outlines the benefits of creating such a workforce and offers strategies to help businesses get ahead of competitors who are still relying on local or regional talent pools.
The Shift to Skills-based Hiring
Skills-based hiring is gaining prominence because it aligns with the dynamic nature of the modern job market, provides a more inclusive approach to recruitment, and enables companies a wider and more versatile pool of talent. According to LinkedIn, a significant number of employers are now favouring this approach. Research indicates that relying solely on degrees or years of experience are ‘flawed predictors of someone’s ability to do a job well’. A study by Jobs for the Future found that while many employers see qualification-based hiring as safer, over 80% now prefer hiring based on skills.
This section from our Strategic HR Thinking White Paper explains the move towards skills-based hiring and how companies can successfully make the transition. Adopting this approach can lead to higher productivity, lower employee turnover, and a better match between workers abilities and what the organisation needs.

download the full white paper
The white paper, “Strategic HR Thinking: Aligning People and Business Strategy,” offers an in-depth analysis and strategic framework aimed at transforming Human Resources into a pivotal element of business success in the rapidly evolving corporate environment of 2024. As organisations grapple with unprecedented changes in the workforce, technology, and global market dynamics, this document presents HR not just as a support function, but as a critical business partner capable of influencing the strategic direction and resilience of businesses.

Exploring Key Themes and Trends
Interested in other themes of our Strategic HR Insights whitepaper? We’ve got you covered. Explore the key topics in easily digestible sections tailored to your interests.
Business Challenges of 2024: Gain insights into the current and anticipated challenges facing businesses in the year ahead, and discover strategies to navigate them effectively. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
Employee Experience and Business Outcomes: Explore the evolving role of employee experience in driving organisational success. Learn how employee engagement, wellbeing, and equity initiatives contribute to productivity and retention, enhancing both tangible and intangible business outcomes. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
The Rise of Green Collar Workers and B Corp: Learn How Green Collar Workers and B Corps are shaping sustainable workplaces and ethical business practices. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
Data Analytics and HR: Discover how data analytics is transforming HR practices, providing actionable insights for informed decision-making. Explore the ethical considerations of leveraging machine learning and diversity data to drive positive change in organisational policies and practices. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
Utilising AI: Discover the potential of artificial intelligence in revolutionising HR processes, from recruitment and customer satisfaction to performance management and learning and development. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
The Rise of Asynchronous Working: Explore the benefits and challenges of asynchronous work arrangements, and learn how to effectively manage remote teams and promote work-life balance. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC
Unconventional HR Trends Dividing the People Profession: Delve into emerging HR trends shaping the future of the profession, and gain valuable insights to stay ahead of the curve. MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC