Updated Drug-Driving Laws Incoming
On 2nd March 2015 new legislation comes into effect in England and Wales that will make it illegal to drive whilst under the influence of a wider range of substances than at present. The new ‘drug-driving’ law will encompass both illegal drugs and some prescription medicines. Anyone found to be driving whilst over the limit […]
Who Owns the LinkedIn Contacts?
When an individual makes contacts on LinkedIn during the course of their work, is it reasonable for their company to ask for those contacts when they leave? This is a relatively new area of law but there has now been an interesting case (Whitmar Publications Ltd v Gamage and others) where the High Court has […]
Employment Tribunals – Who Pays?
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has recently published a study on the ‘Payment of Tribunal Awards’ (Making the Labour Market more Flexible, Efficient and Fair). The report summarises the findings of a study of people who made successful claims to an Employment Tribunal and were awarded a sum of money by the […]