Significant case ruling published – calculating holiday pay
The subject of how to calculate holiday entitlement and pay for workers who work irregular hour’s part year, has been back and forth through the courts since 2015. It reached the Supreme Court back in November, and we have been waiting for the judgement ever since. Today, we now have further clarity, but there does […]
Case ruling for Long COVID
What is the case about? Two years on from the start of the pandemic, we have started to see judgements come through in COVID-19 related employment tribunal cases. The latest one is regarding Long COVID-19 and specifically deals with whether in the circumstances of this particular case, the condition amounted to a disability for the […]
Was a dismissal of an unvaccinated care worker because of their vaccination status fair?
What is the case about? This is a case that deals with whether an employer can fairly dismiss an employee for their failure to become fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Context For this case, it is essential to place context around the events of what happened. This is perhaps the first case that tests the position […]